
produce & letterpress

While flying back to California from the holidays, I came across this awesome calendar in Sunset magazine, and dog-eared the page so I could purchase it on my return.  This calendar by Krank Press comes in three varieties (southland, bay area or pacific northwest), so that the seasonal information each month for planting and what to buy at the market is region specific.  The content is informative and the layout and design make it aesthetically pleasing.  With plenty of space to capture handwritten notes and appointments, it's also very useful.  Printed in letterpress on recycled card stock, the calendar comes in three colors.  Since it is not year specific, one could use this year after year if they so choose.
*images from reformschoolrules.com

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Ah! I got that for my husband for Christmas! I got it at the Renegade Craft fair in LA.
He (we!) loves it!